Shopping og Inspiration

I’m not sane…….

For jeg har købt mig endnu et par ballerinaer med stjerner – ku’ simpelthen ikke lade være! Jeg har oprindeligt ledt efter lige præcis disse stjerneballerinaer fra BilliBi, men min størrelse har bare været udsolgt de steder jeg har set dem. Så da jeg, for lidt tid siden, så dem fra Friis & Co. slog jeg til.
Nu var jeg så lige i en butik, som jeg normalt aldrig kommer i…..og der stod så dem fra Billibi med 50% Ja, hvad kan jeg sige? Nu har jeg så to par stjerneballerinaer…hihi….jeg trøster mig dog med at det ene par er med små stjerner og det andet med store (schyyy….jeg ved det godt….fuldstændig skørt 🙂
Men de er da fine, synes I ikke?


Had to buy this pair of ballerinas, when I saw them yesterday. These are the ones I’ve been looking for all the time, but they were sold out in my size. That’s why I bought the other pair I showed the other day. Anyway, when I found these…..I just couldn’t resist! Now I have two pairs of star ballerinas! 😀


Læs også:  5 grunde til at handle lokalt i Solrød Centeret


  • Sarah B

    I don't think you are crazy! No doubt you will get wear out of both pairs of shoes.
    I am going into town today for a ittle look at the sales to see if there are any bargains but hoefully I don't find anything too nice!

  • Malsen

    Thank you, Sarah 🙂
    I'm also going to see what the sales have to offer tomorrow. I'll be in Copenhagen most of the day. Lovely 🙂

  • Sarah B

    Well, I managed to come home pretty empty handed which is good!
    Have a lovely day in Copenhagen and I look forward to seeing the purchases!