Shopping og Inspiration

Some details….

Er endelig kommet med toget efter at have siddet og ventet i næsten en time! Så hader man det offentlige en lille smule altså…
Er på vej til Kbh. hvor jeg skal mødes med en veninde til lidt hygge. Måske et smut i LV også 🙂

Jeg skal prøve om jeg kan få taget et ordentligt outfitbillede, men her er lidt detaljer. Har en See by Chloé kjole på og Bernie sandaler….og det var ski' da godt jeg tog leggings på – varmt er det ikke!

Hvad skal i lave i dag? Har I stadig ferie?

Læs også:  5 grunde til at handle lokalt i Solrød Centeret


  • Sarah B

    Shopping at lv – is there anything you are wishing for or just seeing what takes your fancy?
    It's all over the news here about Mry and her twins. How nice. At least she'll have lots of help. I agree that her stylist does a great job – she always looks amazing!
    Thanks for your comments about my dresses – I appreciate it 🙂

  • Malsen

    Hi Sarah, First of all…about your dresses. You're really talented! They are so nice….really!

    Well, I'm kinda in love with the new Rouge Fauviste vernis color and I'm thinking about picking up the small Alma BB which has the shoulder strap. Very cute and practical as well. Also, I'd like to have the new inclusion (same color) and some ballerinas. Ended up with the ballerinas today and have put aside the Alma BB for Friday..must think a bit more. 🙂